Setting up your Business Mini Course
Nov 29, 2023
At The Pretty Goose, we believe your dreams matter and your ideas are never silly; they make the world a more beautiful place. The point of my whole business is to encourage and inspire YOU to show up fully, sharing your unique gifts!
So,I'm excited to tell you about my new mini course, Setting Up Your Business. It's the perfect overview of first steps and key decisions for those wanting to start a business. I've spent the past 16 years learning about marketing and online tools in the businesses I've created and this 45 minute class is the beginner's guide to starting out. And, I hope if feels like sitting down over a cup of coffee with me.
What you'll learn about:
Key Decisions
Where to Share your Value
How to Create Content
Email Marketing
Website options
Tips & Resources
Whether you are starting a business or launching a project, reaching your ideal client is key. The questions I ask and the steps I suggest will help you get started with confidence and clarity.
And, if you need more personalized help, I offer different packages from strategy sessions to implementation. At The Pretty Goose, I love to help you create a HOME that represents you and now I also help you Design your Business.
So, check out the mini course, the FREE trainings, and packages I offer on my Design your Business. page.
As always, if you need help designing a home you love, book a getting started call with me or snag my special Holiday Home Design Consultation through December 18th.
I'm cheering you on,